Abram's Creek Lodge & Campground

Eco-Friendly Lodging & Camping

Stream-Front Wilderness Campsites, Cabins / Cottage, Tipi rentals & Lodging
Located off U.S. Rt. 50, 3 miles east of Mt. Storm, WV

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Mountain Weather at Abrams Creek Campground, WV

(Don't take it too seriously)

10-day forecast for Mt Storm, WV area (26717)
www.weather.com - click here

Mountain forecasts are frequently unreliable and subject to great errors, particularly when forecasted days in advance.
Use the following guidelines for mountain forecasts:

20%, 30% or 40% chance of rain
could mean rain 50 miles away elsewhere in the mountain chain and no rain at all at Abram's Creek or 1/2 hour of rain and 20 hours of sunshine mixed with clouds.

60%, 70% chance of rain
does mean that there will possibly be an hour or two of rain and perhaps cloudy conditions, however, frequent sunshine can appear as well and on many occasions, 70% chance of rain resulted in all day sunshine (weather man was wrong).

100% chance of rain
does mean, more than likely, lots of rain and clouds for the day, especially during hurricane season and possibly early spring. Summer -- rains never lasts long.

Forget the forecasts and just come to Abram's Creek -- you won't regret it and we'll still have roaring bon-fires unless its a washout or extreme weather forecast.

Average High Temperatures near Mt Storm, WV for
Keyser, WV (20 minutes N.E.) and for Petersburg, WV (25 minutes South):
(Abram's Creek area will be a bit cooler on hot days as it's in a stream valley and under trees)

March Keyser, WV 53 Petersburg, WV 55
April Keyser, WV 65 Petersburg, WV 65
May Keyser, WV 75 Petersburg, WV 75
June Keyser, WV 83 Petersburg, WV 82
July Keyser, WV 87 Petersburg, WV 86
August Keyser, WV 85 Petersburg, WV 85
September Keyser, WV 78 Petersburg, WV 78
October Keyser, WV 67 Petersburg, WV 68
November Keyser, WV 54 Petersburg, WV 56

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